          四川龍脈藏金山(1/6):神秘武警部隊尋黃金之謎! At 1:50/9:25 That so called "張.Yo.What" (Yo.腔.What.Dyao) must be killed immediately for the crime he openly called China Communist as "中.What.Ren.Mean.共.Her.Gwall" instead of "中共" (中國共產黨).You make money to ta 酒店工作lk, you have no free speech right, you dare openly call 中共 as "中.What.Ren.Mean.共.Her.Gwall", you must be slaved controlled tooled by American werewolves slaved controlled tooled white trash; because China Communist sea 房屋二胎led the border at the very beginning (Anyone who knows how to read and write Chinese good traditional words should have the common sense and brain cell and deep eyes to see that China Communist sealed border isolated themselves inside Mainland seoChina for tens of years, China communist majorly formed by hard working unselfish honest farmars, how could they have that path and stick, mean or way to build so many overseas branches offices? You know how to read and write Chinese good traditional words, you can 西服not have that common sense eyes to question to help China Communist to deal with American werewolves slaved controlled tooled white trash to wear Chinese face value to use Chinese money to tool Chinese name to break China more pieces away, you dare show up in front of public screen to f 婚禮顧問urther spread deepen darken that American werewovles lies for your sucking shameless brainless cold cold hard personal selfish gang and gain, you are more deserved to be killed than anyone who openly carry gun to rob any bank. That how You Taiwan should tell China Communist to close all their oversea offices o 酒店兼職r branches, and have HongKong to become the head quarter of Republic of China formed by born in Taiwan who can speak both English and Chinese above average level, anyone wants to have any thing to do with China, must have to contact Hong Kong to get job done. Taiwan must be cared by Taiwan Communist, Mainland China cared by China Com 酒店工作munist; Hong Kong can have the form of Democratic form balanced [Because White trash does not need rely on your Immigration law to suck, they just murder anyone of your citizen they like, then take over the ID left behind by your citizen; that how USA shameless brainless cold cold hard Presidents's women could have that paths and sticks to have many 禮服 forms many faces many names with one body to eat slave control fear scare your sucking Taiwanese rich and famous powerful and forceful to knee down.] with China Communist stationed force. ) , not ever need to have the name called before American werewolves slaved controlled tooled white trash fooled China Communist to open the gate/fence in Mainland China. Kill that sucki 酒店經紀ng shameless immoral "張.Yo.What" and all his alike, you dare voice in front of TV screen, you have to have the guts to die for your sucking voice. You are coward, you must not be allowed to have a say in any issue in any place, not mention in front of public screen.   .msgcontent .wsharing ul li { text-indent: 0; } 分享 Facebook Plurk YAHOO! 開幕活動  .

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